Tuesday 27th September 2022

In the session today we will be looking at the mock Unit 1 assessment that you will be completing on 17th October.

This will involve you performing a piece of your choice that you have been learning or can learn between today and that date.

You will receive a logbook that outlines what needs to be done.

Performances can be completed either live or via a recording on Garageband (if you are using Garageband to create the realisation of your chosen piece).

You can:

  • Choose your own piece of music to perform
  • You can ask me for help with your choice if you wish
  • The music needs to give you some challenge so you can show how you improved it.
  • It needs to be a well rehearsed performance with minimal mistakes
  • You will need to show that you have put effort in to learn the music ready for performance.
  • You will be expected to have filled in the logbook – using the file on a computer with as much detail as you can.